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Marriage (Nepali Card Game): How To Play?

Playing Cards

Marriage is more than just a card game in Nepal; it’s a cultural phenomenon that weaves itself into the fabric of social gatherings and festive celebrations. This game, which has its roots deep in the traditions of the Himalayan region, is not only a pastime but also a way to strengthen family bonds and forge new friendships.

Particularly popular during the Hindu festivals of Dashain and Tihar, Marriage brings people together in a spirit of competition and joy. The game’s appeal lies in its complex rules and the strategic depth it offers, making it a favorite among card game fans in Nepal and among the Nepali diaspora worldwide.

The unique combination of skill, luck, and strategy needed to win mirrors the intricacies of real-life relationships and decisions, perhaps a poetic nod to its name. As digital platforms become more integrated into daily life, MCW Nepal has taken the lead in bringing this traditional game into the online realm.

This allows a wider audience to experience the thrill of Marriage, connecting players from remote areas with those in urban centers and even international players who share a love for Nepali card games.

MCW Nepal not only facilitates access to the game but also fosters a community where beginners can learn and masters can challenge their limits.

Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to hone your skills or a curious newcomer eager to delve into Nepali culture, this guide will walk you through the essentials of how to play Marriage, the strategies that can tilt the game in your favor, and how you can join the growing community of players on MCW Nepal.

Get ready to shuffle, deal, and discover the joys of one of Nepal’s most cherished card games.

Now, let’s dive into the gameplay mechanics that define Marriage and explore how you can emerge as a winner in this captivating game.

The Play

Each player’s turn in Marriage is divided into three distinct phases: draw, meld, and discard. This structure forms the core of the game’s strategy and requires players to be both reactive and proactive in their approach.


At the start of their turn, a player can draw a card from either the top of the draw pile or the top card of the discard pile. It’s important to note that the same card picked from the discard pile cannot be discarded again in that turn.

If the draw pile runs out, the discard pile (except for the top card) is shuffled to create a new draw pile, ensuring continuous play.


Melding is the process of organizing the hand into meaningful combinations, which can include:

  • Tunnela: Three identical cards (e.g., 7♥-7♥-7♥). Tunnelas can be declared immediately if received in the initial deal, contributing extra points.
  • Triplet: Three cards of the same rank, each from different suits (e.g., 8♥-8♠-8♦).
  • Dirty Triplet: A triplet that includes a wild card (e.g., W-3♥-3♠) or even two wilds and another card.
  • Pure Sequence: A consecutive run of three cards from the same suit (e.g., 5♠-6♠-7♠).
  • Dirty Sequence: Similar to a pure sequence but includes a wild card (e.g., J♠-Q♠-W).
  • Marriage: A rare and valuable meld consisting of three wild cards (if a wild like 10♣ is involved).

A player cannot lay down their melds until they meet certain game-specific contracts. Initially, one must build three qualifying melds, including tunnelas or pure sequences, to meet the Opening Contract. These melds are played to the table simultaneously. Successful completion allows them to work toward the Closing Contract necessary to win the round.


After melding, the player ends their turn by discarding a card to the discard pile. This action is strategic, as it can potentially help or hinder other players based on the discarded card.


Card Shuffle

Wild cards are pivotal in Marriage. They introduce a dynamic element that can change the course of the game. Once a player meets the Opening Contract, they secretly choose a card from the draw pile to serve as the main wild. This card and its secondary wilds (the cards immediately adjacent in rank within the same suit) are crucial for forming high-value melds like Marriages.


Scoring in Marriage is multifaceted and reflects the complexity of the game:

  • Round Completion: The player who finishes the round by meeting the Closing Contract scores 10 points from each opponent.
  • Wild Cards: These cards score differently based on their involvement in melds or remaining in hand at the end of a round.
  • Main Wild: 3 points for an individual, 7 points for a pair.
  • Secondary Wild: 2 points for an individual, 5 points for a pair, and 10 points for a trio.
  • Tunnelas: These score based on their makeup, with bonuses for including wild cards.
  • Standard Tunnela: 5 points.
  • Tunnela with Secondary Wilds: Increased points, up to 35 points for two.

Special Scoring

  • Marriages in hand: Score points depending on whether they were played on the table or held until the end.
  • Marriages on the table: Higher points are awarded for played marriages compared to those held in hand.


The game of Marriage concludes after each player has had a chance to deal, cycling through multiple rounds. The ultimate victor is the player with the highest cumulative score, demonstrating a blend of strategy, foresight, and tactical execution.

Playing Marriage on MCW Nepal

MCW Nepal offers a virtual gateway to playing Marriage online, allowing players from all over the world to engage with this traditional Nepali game. The platform provides a user-friendly interface and a community of players, making it easy and enjoyable to start playing Marriage.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, MCW Nepal facilitates a seamless transition from physical cards to digital play, ensuring the game’s cultural heritage continues to thrive in the digital age.


Marriage is more than just a card game; it’s a cultural staple that brings people together, offering both challenge and enjoyment. As you embark on learning and mastering Marriage, consider MCW Nepal as your portal to this fascinating world.

With its rich strategic elements and vibrant player community, Marriage promises not just a game but a journey through Nepali culture and festivity. So, shuffle up and get ready to declare your skills in this traditional game, all from the comfort of your home through MCW Nepal.

Explore the game of Marriage today on MCW Nepal and connect with a global community of enthusiasts. Whether you’re seeking competition or camaraderie, Marriage delivers both, wrapped in the rich cultural tapestry of Nepal.